A new study released today by the Adolescent Sexual Health Policy Project at PHI's Center for Research on Adolescent Health and Development finds widespread support among California parents for comprehensive sex education.The first-ever statewide poll of parents devoted to this topic, a whopping 89 percent of the 1,284 California parents sampled want students to receive comprehensive sex education that includes information about contraception and protection from sexually transmitted diseases – a desire that remains uniform regardless of the parents’ locale, religion, politics, race, or education level. The study, by PHI scientists Norm Constantine, Petra Jerman, and Alice Huang, will appear later this year in the journal Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.
This study is summarized in the new Spring, 2007 No Time for Complacency Policy Review, available at http://teenbirths.phi.org/. Supplemental materials including a chart pack, press release, summary report, and others are also available here.