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Training and Work Experience

Veronica Raymonda,

President and Founder of QMR, has been managing quantitative and qualitative research centers since 1991. Prior to initiating QMR, Ms. Raymonda was a partner and vice president with Quantum Consulting (QC), an energy management consulting firm in Berkeley, California. She managed the QC CATI laboratory and focus group facility. She previously worked for Survey Methods Group in San Francisco prior to joining QC. Veronica is bilingual and bicultural and serves as one of QMR's Spanish-language focus group moderators. Ms. Raymonda has graduate degrees in engineering from the Buenos Aires Institute of Technology and a certificate in marketing from the University of California, Berkeley.

Patricia J. Hoyt
has moderated hundreds of focus groups for more than a decade. Her clients include entities from both the public and private sector. Averaging about 40 discussion sessions a year, Ms. Hoyt has conducted sessions for such clients as:

Bay Area Rapid Transit, California Department of Health and Human Services, Frank Howard Allen, The good guys!, Jewish Family & Children's Services, Macy's West, McGuire Realty, Pacific Union Company, Pet Food Express, Quantum Consulting, The San Francisco Chronicle, The San Francisco Examiner, The San Francisco Newspaper Agency, Sleep Train, Strategic Decisions, Inc.

Ms. Hoyt was a marketing manager for the San Francisco Newspaper Agency, having started with the SFNA as a research analyst in 1996. Between 1994 and 1996, she was the field director for Survey Methods Group in San Francisco. While a research analyst and operations manager at Strategic Decisions, Inc., in San Francisco and Mill Valley, Ms. Hoyt's qualitative research duties included designing recruitment screeners, drafting moderator's guides, and writing focus group reports, as well as moderating a handful of the hundreds of focus groups conducted by the firm.
Ms Hoyt received her B.A in Communications from Rider University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey.

Terry A. Miller,

Programmer and Senior CATI Lab Supervisor, has over a decade of experience in programming data collection, specializing in the building of large data bases, with vast experience in data collection for marketing research - social research as well as product and services. She designs very innovative CATI and Web surveys. Ms. Miller keeps clients updated providing daily and weekly survey reports and dispositions.

Ms. Miller trains and supervises a very select group of editors and coders.

Prior to joining QMR, Ms Miller was with Quantum Consulting, Inc, in Berkeley where she supervised over 60,000 surveys a year and became QMR's CATI programmer. She was also a CATI Supervisor for five years at Survey Methods Group (SMG), in San Francisco. While at SMG, she managed several multi-year studies for UCSF. She has over fifteen years of experience in sample management and marketing research. She also worked at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation Survey Research Center. There she managed The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Teen Survey, a highly sensitive nationwide research project in which teenagers were asked about their use of and attitudes about drug and alcohol use. She also supervised other alcohol studies within California communities.

(510) 238-9010

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